What does Kanuda mean?

It means that you balance your mind and body well by trimming them.

Not-smooth CSF will lead to a wide variety of human problems

CSF helps regulate the autonomic nervous system and immune enhancement by eliminating waste and nourishing nutrients to the neurons of the spinal cord and the central nervous system of the brain.

It is the very Cranio Sacral therapy (CST) that allows the functions of these CSF to perform smoothly.
Kanuda products are comprised of Kanuda head nap, pelvis nap, Kanuda orthopedic posture and traction pillow, and leg pillow for correct posture and tight sleep. All these products have obtained certificates from Therapist Association.

The effects of Cranio Sacral therapy (CST) by physical therapist can be felt and experienced indirectly at home as well.

Kanuda products are applied by Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST) among frequency therapies performed by bare hands.
The most basic and important occipital skull base and the fourth ventricle stress relaxation method in one area of Cranio Sacral therapy (CST) of Osteopathic Medicine and balanced basis to promote the cerebrospinal fluid circulation keeping the homeostasis of mind and body in a short time in order to improve the operation of the self-healing system.

The president of research institute, Hee-su Kim who is a developer of Kanuda product is a present physical therapist. For several decades, he has contracted patients in person and treated them, he has checked fascia relax over entire body and developed Kanuda products for patients to get help at home.

OCBR (Occipital Cranial Base Release)

CV4 (Compression of 4th Ventricle)

The principles of biomechanical acupressure

The principles of biomechanical acupressure explained directly by Kanuda developer and president of research institute, Heesu Kim

The fundamental and most important methods of Cranio Sacral therapy (CST), OCBR (Occipital Cranial Base Release) and CV4 (Compression of 4th Ventricle) are explained.